Tuesday, May 25, 2010

While I'm Thinking About It . . .

Okay, so still thinking about my food choices - a few things come to mind. First, the reason I had such success at the beginning is because I didn't trust myself so I didn't allow myself even a TASTE of something. I didn't lick my fingers when making a sandwich or a cake or anything. But now, I've muddied the waters and I allow myself all sorts of tastes of things. I know the carbs of those tastes add up along equally with the loss of willpower. So NO MORE TASTES - this is where my black/white thinking pays off. If I want to go off plan for a reason, an occasion, then go off, but otherwise get back on and let the program work.

Second, it occurs to me how much the idea of rewarding behavior with food is so entrenched in my thinking. My whole life good behavior was rewarded with food. So yesterday I had a couple hours of stress so the idea of going home and grabbing a bar was just not enough of a reward for the few hours of stress I had just endured. "Rewarding" myself with Subway was much more in line with what I had sat through. Just like when I finally passed my state exam I "rewarded" myself with Mexican food and a beer. The reward seems to be equal to the event - so a little stress = Subway, fairly healthy food whereas big stress = Big dinner & alcohol, paying for it the next day. So back to asking myself, "What am I asking food to do for me right now? Entertain me? Reward me? or Nourish me?" Before putting anything in my mouth, I'm going to go back to asking that question.

So far, so good today. No cheating - no "good except for that . . ." Onward & downward!

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