Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cardio Resistance

I was able to do interval training 2 times this week. The first day I had to fight off "the voices" - "15 minutes is fine for the first day" "Don't hurt yourself - take it easy" "Even if you walk the rest you still are doing more than usual" "This isn't meant for 250 lb women" "Are you trying to kill yourself?" SHUT UP!!

The second day I started off by saying, "Empty mind, empty mind" and thought what a waste that was so I started repeating, "You are worth this" over & over & over. When it became really hard I repeated, "You can do this". Much better attitude overall. Also, I found that I started suffering a bit later into the jog, like at the 45 second mark instead of the 10 second mark. I also knew I wasn't going to quit, so no need to try to convince myself of that.

But then I started to get sick. This is the 3rd or 4th time that I got sick after a few days of walking. So I took tons of herbs/vitamins/silver & slept 12 hours & fought it off. I don't think it's a coincidence that I get sick when I walk - I think cardio is just harder on me & I need to take better care of myself if I'm going to push myself. I need to drink all my water the day before, the day of & the day after. I need to sleep at least 8 hrs and I need to avoid stress. It's not going to work if I don't take care of myself.

I wanted to do it 3 times this week, but will settle for 2 & do it again next week & take care of myself! My body can no longer burn the candle at both ends & not pay the price!

1 comment:

  1. Your exercise is giving your body a chance to detox and unload a bunch of junk and that is why you show symptoms of sickness. The good news is that this is evidence that your exercise is effective and having profound effects on your system, cleaning it out in effect! This will pass and rest assured that the fat is burning off and with it the toxins it stores. Fat acts as a storage place for all sorts of toxins and hormones. your body's way of suspending toxic substances it is overwhelmed with and can't deal with until later. Keep on exercising!!! You've just added years of health to your life!!! Hugs, L
