Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bubble off Plumb

My friend, N, was preparing a meal at J's house. J's dogs were running all around and getting under feet. Now, J doesn't have children but dogs instead. I saw a sign once that describes her, "I had kids once, but the dogs were allergic to them". So N asks her to please put them in the laundry room or on the deck, so she could cook & not twist an ankle. "NOOOO - we don't put the dogs out!" Later N complains, "I just couldn't believe that - here I'm trying to cook and I'm going to break an ankle because the dogs are so special!" And I think - "HEY! You are the one that brought your kids to EVERY event despite the invitations clearly saying 'No Kids' " We all have our blinders on and our areas of protection. J's is the dogs - they are to be babied and protected. N's was her kids - she wasn't about to get a babysitter - we would just have to deal with her kids for the night. And mine is FOOD! I have no pets and I have NO problem hiring a babysitter - but ask me to give up eating out or denying myself comfort food and I think you're asking me to give up air. What I think is funny is how in our own minds, we are thoroughly justified and normal but to others, we are a bit bonkers. So I'm trying to keep in my head that this thinking is not normal and justified but rather demonstrates I'm a bubble off plumb!

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