Thursday, August 12, 2010

Auto Client Contact

So for any coaches out there - or for that matter, people that have to contact their clients on a regular basis, we are in beta testing mode on a program my husband wrote for me. I find it daunting to keep track of where my clients are at in their journey and when I'm supposed to contact them again. So the program allows me to input them at the beginning and then it auto sends them emails according to whatever schedule I want. It also lets me know when to contact them again via text. So I have it set up that they get a welcome email on day 1, a homework assignment on day 3, a reminder that their order should be arriving on day 7, a "first 3 days can be tough, drink your bouillon, stick with it" on day 10, etc. Then follow ups every week and special little reminders in between. Every email sent to them gets sent to me as well so I can track what's been sent out.

If anyone is interested, let me know - he is going to tweak it to make it more user friendly and maybe TSFL will add this type of technology to the new biz site, but for now, I think this will be AMAZINGLY useful for us.

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