Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I remember coming to the realization, when I first started paying attention to political arguments, that no matter how good an idea sounded, there were opponents. And sometimes those opponents had really good points too. So instead of trying something to see if might work, instead, nothing gets accomplished.

Today, it dawned on me that I wasn't drinking my water because it was full of water from yesterday. I don't like tepid day old water - I like fresh, cold water. But, I don't want to waste the water, so I just sit there and do nothing. Don't drink the water that I don't like but don't throw it out because I don't want to be wasteful. As I'm contemplating how bizarre my behavior is, it dawns on me how often we are paralyzed to act because we have such opposing forces working against each other.

For example, I listen to the guy that wrote "Eating Animals". This argument that animals are being harmed or maltreated intrigues me so I actually looked for "free range" eggs the next day at the supermarket. But then today I learn that free range means nothing except when it comes to poultry and then it means that they have "access" to the outdoors 5 minutes a day. Which means the doors are opened but there is no way the majority can make their way outside. So, basically, it's a waste of money.

I want to buy soy protein to make w/ my spaghetti instead of ground meat but then my naturopath's words are ringing in my ears about how bad soy is, how high it is in estrogen and how it's a conspiracy to rid the world of the excess soy left over from something or other.

People are frustrated with taking drugs so they want a natural approach but the media tells us that study after study prove that herbs are ineffective and can actually do harm.

One wants to limit their sugar but then we aren't educated how bad fructose is and they name a chemical sucralose which leads us that it's somehow related to sucrose which means it must be okay. But I'm reading labels and sugar isn't in the top 3 listed, so it must be okay. But come to find out they break out sugar, hf corn syrup and other sugars and when listed separately, they might still make up 80% of the food, but they don't show up until later in listing.

So we try a low carb diet but are scared about the horrible affects of eating low carb. Someone knows so and so that had a heart attack because they were eating low carb.

Or even dieting. I heard from a counselor this week that doesn't believe their clients should lose weight while dealing with emotional eating!! What?? Seriously, something so obvious as the fact that a 300 lb. woman should lose weight is being challenged because it's not dealing with the underlying issues. Why can't we do both??

And then there's the argument about therapy/counseling. Yes, most of us would benefit by it - but what if they tell me to do something that goes against my beliefs? I personally was afraid I'd develop multiple personality disorder but then my friend put my mind at ease that, being the control freak I can be, that I would never let someone else take over anyway.

The point is, there will ALWAYS be a contrary belief to an action - even in our own minds. But some sort of action is better than NO ACTION! Being paralyzed with indecision won't get us to our goal. Trying something and learning for ourselves what works for us and what doesn't - this is what will allow us to find the path to lead to the goal. My path might not be your path, but if your path hasn't worked, why not try mine & see for yourself if it works. Just keep trying different things until you find what works - DON'T GIVE UP!!

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