Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Our vacation is coming to its close. I've eaten whatever I felt like eating and probably have gained 10 lbs. - we'll know for sure in a few days. It's been an interesting experience analyzing my eating. Here's what I've noticed. Being on vacation with kids is like being home with kids but more work in a littler space. The time I wish I could have with my husband is taken with having the kids 24/7 so we seem to have less time together, not more - despite not having work. The feelings of being alone and ignored were heightened these couple of weeks - which led me to want to eat more. I went out and bought ice cream at 11 pm which actually made me feel like I was on vacation finally - sad, but true. Using food as comfort is frustrating when I actually know what I'm lacking but can't get to it. In the past I used food as comfort a lot when I actually wanted to sleep. I've been able to change my life enough that I actually go to sleep now instead of making myself stay awake for 3 more hours and eating for those hours in order to do so. But how do you demand attention when you're competing with kids - there is no way I can win. Well, actually there is - we called a friend with a cousin down here and we got a babysitter for the night, so THERE! I won!

So Sat I'm back on plan. I'm actually nervous but excited. My body is not happy eating "normally" again. I'm too full, I feel cranky, I don't sleep as well - I miss the feeling of being "topped off" every few hours with food and energy. I don't like the "what do I feel like eating" game that I'm playing. But I know emotionally it will be hard to make the change. But I'm excited to see results again. I will check in Sat and be honest about my weight gain - but then it's downhill until I get the last 100 off!! Excited to see 150 on the scale!

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