Sunday, August 5, 2012

All In?

The concept of “All In” has gotten me depressed. What am I all in about? I’m not all in when it comes to my health, I’m not all in when it comes to my work, I’m not all in when it comes to my spirituality, I’m not all in when it comes to my marriage. I have definitely settled for mediocre in these areas. I am all in when it comes to my kids & when it comes to my relationship with food – these are the two areas that I give my all. And only one of those serves me. So what do I want to change? What am I willing to change? What will it take to change? One reason why TSFL program worked the first time is because of eating “what I felt like eating” I ate a meal-replacement – something that wasn’t horrible but not comfort food. I’ve gotten to the point where I might not eat comfort food (pizza, ice cream, tortillas, nachos) but I’ll still go for “real” food instead of a MR – like nuts or cheese or Greek yogurt. But these don’t do the same thing – they are too high in calories, I usually eat too much which puts me over my carb limit for the day & overall it doesn’t do the job of changing my relationship with food. That’s the key – change my relationship with food. I still want to go to food to feel better. Eating a MR does the job but doesn’t necessarily make me feel better emotionally. So to be all in with my health (emotional & physical) I think I need to 1) Go back to MR during the day 2) exercise 3 times a week 3) drink my water 4) get off pop. These 4 things are the areas that I am doing horrible at lately & that will make a tremendous difference. So from today on I will commit to these 4 things.

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